Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Buy things you love on Pinterest without leaving the site! Buyable Pins are Here!

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. 

To be successful selling your products these days, you need to use as many avenues as possible. Gone are the days where you simply set up a brick and mortar store and advertised. People want convenience and with the development of the internet and online stores, people shop more often at home than ever before. Pinterest has decided to capitalize on this market by offering Buyable Pins where you can simply click on a pinned item on their site and purchase it. This is a great  new window of opportunity for sellers to get in on. Learn more about how Shopify has partnered with Pinterest so that you can truly sell anywhere. 

Shopify is a great place to learn how to grow your business and reach new potential customers.
You can grow your business by adding sales channels to reach more customers. Each sales channel has its own features and an overview of how that channel is performing. Shopify is the home for your business. Easily sync orders, products and customers across all your sales channels – no matter where you sell.

Reach new shoppers by selling on Pinterest with “Buy It” buttons. Optimized for the mobile experience, Pinners can now choose to purchase an item they love without leaving the site. Learn more about how Shopify has partnered with Pinterest so that you can truly sell anywhere.  

Your customers are shopping online, in person, on mobile devices, and with social media. Reach them all with one platform. Shopify

Shopify is everything you need to sell anywhere

Start your free 14-day trial today!

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