Saturday, June 24, 2017

I love this era....e*raorganics that is!

* I received these e*raorganic products at a discounted price in exchange for this review. All opinions are entirely my own.

I absolutely L O V E the e*raorganics line of products. I started out about 2 years ago with their relief cream. I have extremely dry skin at certain times of the year. As a kid I was actually treated for eczema because it got so bad. This cream is dynamite on my skin. It isn't greasy which is a huge plus for me. I can't stand lotion or creams that make my skin feel like an oil slick. Their relief cream absorbs quickly into my skin and makes it feel smooth and silky.

It doesn't have a strong fragrance like some of the lotions I use do and to be honest I can't determine exactly what the scent of it is. It isn't flowery or herbal but it isn't like chemical's either. It kind of smells like lanolin or aloe which would make sense as it has aloe in it. The scent doesn't last once it is absorbed into the skin either, which I like. As I said, I have been using this cream for over two years and I can't say enough about how much I like it

The next product I want to discuss is e*raorganic Cleanse and Restore facial cleanser. It comes in a 4oz bottle that has a flip top.  Like their other products, it is hypo-allergic, paraban free, sulfate free, and fragrance free. The main ingredient is aloe vera and it is all natural.

You just use it like soap. I put a little in the palm of my hand and soaped my face up. I rinsed off with cool water and patted my face with a dry towel.The first thing I noticed is that is has a pearly shine to it. It looks and acts like soap. I have noticed that is has a strong smell when I put it on my face but it does go away quickly. Even with the odor, I have continued to use it all week and have been very happy with the results. It just makes my skin feel very and cared for.

 My face feels clean and smooth but with no tightening of skin like some soaps do. This is going to be another item in my arsenal of skin care products. I am always looking for things that work that do not contain chemicals. I think anyone that tries this cleanser will love it.

Lastly I want to let you know about their Dead Sea Mud Mask. It too is all organic containing aloe vera, shea butter, manuka honey, and and hemp oil. It is great for exfoliating your skin and drawing out all the oils and impurities.

The mask is so easy to use. You just rub it on your face but keep it away from your eyes and mouth. Then just let it sit for 10 to 20 minutes while it does it's thing. It says on the label that it may tingle and I will say I did feel it. It wasn't painful but the tingling did let me know it was working.

Whether you wash it off after 10 minutes or wait til 20 is entirely up to you. I washed it off after 10 minutes because its been hot here weather wise and it was getting uncomfortable. Nothing to do with the mask, and everything to do with our heat. After I rinsed it off with some nice cool water, I dried my face with my towel. My skin feels clean and smooth. It says on the label to apply to clean skin so I recommend using the facial cleanser first and then following up with the mask like I did.

I have posted the links so you can go directly to Amazon from my blog and buy them. I would love to hear your reactions to these products. I only endorse things I like and that work for me. If you have a different experience post here so others can see. I like consumers to make informed decisions. Thanks for reading today xoxoxoxox